Saturday, May 23, 2020
Chasing Success - 1640 Words
We humans, are the most remarkable species on the planet earth. We have travelled vast lands, explored great oceans and settled down creating the greatest race on earth. We evolved with time, with the ambition to reach for the skies and determination to max our full potentials. However, we have been implanted with this code, this idea that the true meaning of life is to be successful and without it your life is meaningless. We are raised with this belief that without success no one will care about your existence. Without success you won’t be able to get a car from a dealer, a credit card from a bank nor respect from the people around†¦show more content†¦As Llosa writes â€Å"Literature has been, and will continue to be, as long as it exists, one of the common denominators of the human experience.†He knows that literature is the key that will liberate us from choosing the wrong path and lead us to a more enlightened future. We should realize that just because the society fails to keep up with literature and its importance, we should not let it fade with time. Even though science and technology plays an important role in our lives, it doesn t necessarily mean we should give up on our tradition. We can t afford our desires be controlled by the society, if one has the desire to pursue art but the society only acknowledges engineers and software developers, that should not force him to change his goal. There is something more important than a fat payroll and vacation in the Bahamas, its called happiness and it only comes to those people who pursue what s in their heart. Reading makes us think more critically so we don t end up making the bad decision that will lead to a miserable life. Our mind is a beautiful thing, it can create many beautiful things without any boundaries. It is a gift that everyone of us is blessed with and its up to us if we want to shut it down and let the society lead you or you cherish it with your own individual valu es. Learn how to believe in yourself and make the decision with your heart, so that the society can’t stop you from being who you are. Being part of a large crowd does not make youShow MoreRelatedStrategic Business Analysis Paper : Mara 4661633 Words  | 7 Pagespart of success in business. A summary of many myths surrounding various strategic executions will be outlined, along with their subsequent analyses. Myth 1: That Execution Translates into Alignment In general, an overall strategy should precipitate into goals and those goals in strategic objectives that can be used to by 1st and 2nd line managers. These strategic objectives’ progress are measurable and quantifiable. Many managers utilize tools such as score cards to analyze the success or lackRead MoreDesigning A Successful Online Business Essay1463 Words  | 6 PagesHundreds of people invest in starting an online business every day, yet most of them never find the success they’re hoping to achieve. It’s not because it’s impossible. Many entrepreneurs have proven that you can build a successful online business. So why do so many fail? Here’s a look at the top five reasons people fail in building a business online that’s successful. Chasing after Fools Gold There are a thousand opportunities online promising to show people how to get rich quickly, and with littleRead MoreDeath Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller And Walter Younger1176 Words  | 5 Pagesonto how to achieve their dreams. The damaging effects of parents chasing unrealistic dreams, such as the American Dream, can be seen through their children and how they chase their own dreams. Biff Loman of Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller and Walter Younger of A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry watch their parents fight for their dreams only to become a failure, Biff is pulled into his father’s delusional dreams of success and Walter lacks the proper role models to shape his dreams aroundRead MoreWilly And The American Dream1273 Words  | 6 Pagesthe traditional American values. Willy Loman has reached the old in which he cannot continue fighting for success as a traveling salesman. Confronted with termination of his job as a salesman, Willy began to have flash back s of his past life. At this important part Willy’s presence of his older son Biff has returned home for a visit, and Willy’s old desire for his son to be a traditional success in life is renewed. But the tensions between the two people Willy and Biff are also renewed. The â€Å"AmericanRead MoreThe Success Of A Solid Relationship1061 Words  | 5 Pagesdepends on how one effectively utilizes their full potential. The successful individuals have smart decisions and keep their success strategies a secret. The major downfall for many is that people become too proud and exaggerate their achievements and success. This therefore makes individuals lose perspective on how much they have actually accomplished. Constantly repeating your success stories does not make it any real or genuine. To get forward, people must learn to use their brain s more rather thanRead MoreMalincho1898 Words  | 8 PagesBuilding a company from scratch is complex and certainly takes some of these qualities to persevere, but must also take planning, analysis and strategy. While Kalin displayed confidence, which Professor Sarathy explained contributes to a company’s success, it was gained from his own determination not to fail, rather than from having an understandi ng of international marketing. Instead of using well-mapped out plans and strategy to guide his company, Kalin created a reactive business with decision-makingRead MoreShark Tank And The American Dream1755 Words  | 8 Pagesmake a deal with. The shark s purpose is to help the contestants business prosper and become big thus achieving the â€Å"American Dream†. The show embodies everything the â€Å"American Dream†is all about. Shark Tank involves millions of American craving success and prosperity through their own inventions, ideas, goods, or services. Shark tanks role is to keep this idea of having your own business alive. For example in the article â€Å"Shark Tank Millionaire Has 3 Words for Those Who Say the American Dream IsRead MoreEssay about Dreams in Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman880 Words  | 4 Pagesbecause Biff can collect insurance money, others will think that Willy kills himself out of depression. Failing to act as a role model for his sons, Willy also has a narrow sense of success. Willy’s view of success is different from others’ throughout the play. One of Willy’s views of success is about the football career of Biff. Willy so admires Biff playing football that he completely disregards that fact that Biff is in danger of failing in school. Bernard comes to ask Biff to studyRead MoreEssay about The Human Being and Living the Good Life1615 Words  | 7 Pagesoffers a more accurate description of the human being and the good life because I agree that true happiness can’t be found in earthly things. I believe there is much more to life than finding happiness and self-worth in success, money, fame, popularity, and etc. Life chasing after materialistic items won’t bring you happiness because you will always feel like there is something more you want and desire, the materialistic items won’t satisfy you. Augustine’s definition of the human nature isRead MoreAmerican Dream Failure Essay1092 Words  | 5 Pages The Failure of the American Dream The American Dream; a reality chased by Americans for centuries, based on the ideas of liberty, happiness and equal right to success for all. But, for F. Scott Fitzgerald the American Dream was a materialistic world of permanent riches and fortune. This distorted perception of the American Dream, shared by many others, resulted in the failure of the real American Dream, a reality where one can live comfortably and safely. Instead, the American Dream became this
Monday, May 18, 2020
Investigating The Suitability Of Different Sources Of Finance
3.0 Investigate the suitability of different sources of finance to facilitate Par Foods Ltd.’s short term objectives. 3.1 Sources of finance There are two main sources of finance that Pars food LTD could consider as options to keep the company viable and moving forward. These are internal and external sources. Internal sources include selling assets, wages and retained profit. The external sources can be long and short term. Long term sources are owner investments and debentures. Whereas short term sources of finance can be things such as overdrafts, trade credits or leasing. (Business Finance Guide, n.d.). 3.2 Applying financial sources to Pars’ short term objectives Pars Food have many short term goals and they will need new funding in most of these. This is due to them only being in a satisfactory position and having a low net profit. The poor state of the company means that internal sources of finance should be kept to a minimum as they don’t have enough of their own money to put back into the business and they also don’t want to be selling assets as they would like to be buying new ones. This means they will have to use external sources of finance whether they be long term or short term. For Pars’ short term objectives that could be achieved from new sources of finance a bank loan would seem to be the way to go to purchase the Twister cutting machine that will cost  £300,000. â€Å"A bank loans money to a business based on the value of the business and its perceived abilityShow MoreRelatedFinancial Break Even Point584 Words  | 2 Pagesexpense for utilities; travel expense, detials of office equiqment, and so forth. Only once these and related information is known can one figure out the financial break even point that the agency needs to make in order to make a profit. What is the source of investment capital? The company partners with financial and real estate corporation will invest in agency. How will you use financial information to craft a business strategy? Financial information will be used in both self-evaluation of organizationRead MoreCritical Analysis of SAP Systems Adoption in Business Organizations1458 Words  | 6 Pagesclient environment is recently becoming wider and the incorporation of a single unit of management considered the remedy to congestion and delays (Carmel, E. 1997). Throughout the project, the credibility, efficiency, flexibility and suitability of SAP will be discussed critically by evaluating the real-time applications of SAP to fitting the ever expanding world of business and the extent to which it has challenged the minds of software developers and users (Carmel, E. 1997). OVERVIEWRead MoreFood and Beverage4102 Words  | 17 PagesSubmission date: 25th March MARCH 2013 PAGE OF CONTENT 1. LO1. Understand different food and beverage production and service systems†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.3 2. 1.1Characteristics of food production†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦3 3. 1.2 Factors affecting recipes and menus for specific systems†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.4 4. 1.3 Compare the costs and staffing implications for different systems†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦5 5. 1.4 Justify the suitability of systems for particular food and beverage outlets†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦.6 6. LO2. UnderstandRead MoreThe Impact Of Anthropology For Case Management And Health Professions Essay2078 Words  | 9 Pages1. Impact of anthropology for case management and health Professions. Anthropology is the science that studies human cultures. As her sources of information are the study of human societies and changes between them. Anthropologists exploring human behavior and activities, try to reach the definition of social and cultural phenomens. The science of anthropology is divided into two main areas, physical anthropology and social anthropology. These are two independent science of physical anthropologyRead MoreFinancial Investment Opportunities6174 Words  | 25 PagesFinancial Investment Opportunities o Kim Tuy n – Sally – F04-193 A report on Investment and Taxation Decisions Prepared for: Ms Joey Lai (Lecturer) Unit 39: Financial Investment Opportunities Banking Academy, Hanoi BTEC HND in Business (Finance) Prepared by: o Kim Tuy n – Sally – Class F04A Registration No.: ITP F04-193 Submission Date: 21 November, 2012 1 Financial Investment Opportunities o Kim Tuy n – Sally – F04-193 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .....................................Read MoreInfluence of Work Motivation, Leadership Effectiveness and Time Management on Employees4037 Words  | 17 PagesEuropean Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences ISSN 1450-2887 Issue 16 (2009)  © EuroJournals, Inc. 2009 Influence of Work Motivation, Leadership Effectiveness and Time Management on Employees’ Performance in Some Selected Industries in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria Shadare Oluseyi .A Department of Industrial Relations and Personnel Management University of Lagos, Lagos Hammed, T. Ayo Department of Guidance and Counselling University of Ibadan, IbadanRead MoreTim Cook6393 Words  | 26 PagesMobilising Resources - Sources and Means of Fund, Facilities and Technologies for starting an Enterprise. Organising/Production of goods and services - quality, quantity and flow of inputs. 299 Unit III: Enterprise Management (a) (b) General management: Basic Management functions. Managing Market: Meaning, Functions of Marketing, Marketing Mix: * Product * Price * Place * Promotion (advertising and sales promotion) Managing Finance - Sources of Long Term and Short Term Finances * Determination ofRead More360 Degree Feedback2625 Words  | 11 Valuable factors A 360-degree feedback offers a variety of remarkably potential benefits. According to Stephane Brutus et al. (2006), all of the following benefits have been applied to six different countries in distinct functions, such as: accounting, finance, manufacturing, and many other primary departments. †¢ Individuals get a broader perspective of how they are perceived by others than previously possible. It indicates that awareness of and relevance of competenciesRead MoreImpact of Working Capital Management on Cash Holdings25344 Words  | 102 Pages..................................................................................... 1 1.1.1. Innovation and the Economy........................................................................................................... 1 1.1.2. Sources of Finance.......................................................................................................................... 1 1.1.3. Venture Capital Funding .....................................................................................Read Morechic paints limited Essay10809 Words  | 44 Pagesmust be transparent. 1.3.2 Calculators are permitted but must not be programmable. Calculators should not be able to store data, text or alphanumeric formulas. Calculators should not emit audible tones, be able to print, be programmable from other sources or be a function of a personal organiser, watch or mobile phone. Solar powered calculators are used at the candidate’s own risk. 1.3.3 Rough paper can only be used if obtained from the invigilator/supervisor upon request. Candidates are not permitted
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Agricultural Credit - 3628 Words
An Assessment of Agriculture Credit at PNB Introduction Agriculture plays a crucial role in the development of the Indian economy. It accounts for about 15.7 per cent of GDP and 52.1 per cent of the total workforce of the population is dependent on the sector, and despite a steady decline of its share in the GDP, is still the largest economic sector and a significant piece of the overall socio-economic development of India. The importance of farm credit as a critical input to agriculture is reinforced by the unique role of Indian agriculture in the macroeconomic framework and its role in poverty alleviation. Recognising the importance of agriculture sector in India’s development, the Government and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) have†¦show more content†¦Indirect finance denotes to finance provided by banks to farmers indirectly, i.e., through other agencies. Important items included under indirect finance to agriculture are as under : (i) Credit for financing the distribution of fertilisers, pesticides, seeds, etc. (ii) Loans upto Rs. 25 lakhs granted for financing distribution of inputs for the allied activities such as, cattle feed, poultry feed, etc. (iii) Loans to Electricity Boards for reimbursing the expenditure already incurred by them for providing low tension connection from step-down point to individual farmers for energising their wells. (iv) Loans to State Electricity Boards for Systems Improvement Scheme under Special Project Agriculture (SI-SPA). (v) Deposits held by the banks in Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) maintained with NABARD. (vi) Subscription to bonds issued by Rural Electrification Corporation (REC) exclusively for financing pump-set energisation programme in rural and semi-urban areas and also for financing System Improvement Programme (SI-SPA). (vii) Subscriptions to bonds issued by NABARD with the objective of financing agriculture/allied activities. (viii)Finance extended to dealers in drip irrigation/sprinkler irrigation system/agricultural machinery, subject to the following conditions: (a) The dealer should be located in the rural/semi-urban areas. (b) He should be dealing exclusively in such items or if dealing inShow MoreRelatedGovernment Of Indi The Four Distributional Aspects Of Agricultural Credit Essay1487 Words  | 6 Pagesinstitutional credit. It is true that there have been some improvements in flow of farm credit in recent years. However, the Government has to be sensitive to the four distributional aspects of agricultural credit. These are: (a) not much improvement in the share of small and marginal farmers . (b) decline in credit-deposit (CD) ratios of rural and semi-urban branches. (c) increase in the share of indirect credit in total agricultural credit and. (d) significant regional inequalities in credit. (PoliciesRead MoreThe Demand Side Issues Of Agricultural Credit Essay1283 Words  | 6 Pages Sriram (2007) has stressed that the policy intervention in agriculture has been credit driven only, which becomes more pronounced in the recent interventions made by the government through the policy of doubling of agricultural credit, providing subvention and putting an upper cap on interest-rates for agricultural loans, revival of co-operative credit structure through the package recommendation by the Vaidyanathan Committee and policy responses to farmers suicides butRead MoreAgricultural Machinery Market : A Case Study Essay1590 Words  | 7 Pages Agricultural Machinery Market A Case Study Department of mechanical Assistant Professor and Industrial Engineering Department of mechanical and Industrial Indian Institute of Engineering Technology Roorkee Indian institute Of Technology Roorkee Table of Contents I. Introduction Problem Highlights Topic Justification scope and limitations II Policy III Tractor sales IV Growth in different segment IV Indian agricultural machineryRead MoreEssay On Agricultural Subsidies808 Words  | 4 Pagesdevelopment of export subsidies are extending to other regions.According to Kimberly Amadeo an M.S. in Management from the Sloan School of Business, â€Å"The Export Credit Guarantee Programs provides commercial financing to enable the exports of U.S. farm products. Specifically, the USDA guarantees the credit of foreign buyers when they cant get credit approval locally. The Dairy Export Incentive Program (DEIP) pays cash subsidies to dairy exporters to help them meet the subsidized prices of foreign dairyRead MoreCases of Multiple Providers of Agricultural Extension Service in Bangladesh833 Words  | 3 Pages1.2 Agricultural Extension System: the Bangladesh case In Bangladesh a multitude of agencies from private and public origin offer extension support to the farmers (ASIRP, 2006). Although recent years witness a noticeable change in agricultural extension service providers, the public institutions still remain the dominant. The new entrants to the field include non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the private sector agribusiness enterprises and grass-root institutions eg. Self-Help and micro-creditRead MoreAgricultural Adjustment Program : The Price Loss Coverage ( ARC )734 Words  | 3 Pagesyears the Agricultural Act has allowed the federal government to award billions of dollars to farmers, that determines the foods grown and the foods we eat. The Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 mandated the government to pay grant subsidies for corn, wheat and cotton, to maintain adequate supplies of these staple goods during low production times (Orden Zulauf, 2015). The farm bill is revisited every five years, encompassing farm commodity p rices and programs, income, farm credit, trade, agriculturalRead MoreEssay on Problems with Agricultural Subsidies in the United States1645 Words  | 7 PagesIn the 1920s, farmers were encouraged to increase food production to keep up with the demand for food caused by World War I. After the war ended, production stayed at a high level, which led to a large surplus in agricultural products. The large surplus caused a steep drop in the price for the products. The drop in prices caused the market value for crops to go down and made things tougher on the economy. The United States government decided that the best way to correct the market was to put a limitRead MoreThe Educational Institution Approach : Planning1186 Words  | 5 Pagescontrolled by those determining the curriculum of the educational institution. Implementation is through formal or nonformal instruction in groups or individuals through a college or university. Attendance and the extent of participation by farmers in agricultural extension activities are the measures of success. Ideally, researchers learn from extension personnel who, in turn, learn from farmers. However, this rarely occurs in practice. The advantage of this approach is the relationship of specialized scientistsRead Moreexecutive Summary-John Deere3676 Words  | 12 Pagesof agricultural machinery headquartered in Moline, Illinois. What started as a small business operation has sprung into a multibillion-dollar global operation. In 2013 alone, the company boasted sales of $37.80 billion. Founded in 1837 by a blacksmith, the company originally only built plows, and did not assemble their first tractor until they purchased a small tractor company, Waterloo Boy, in 1918. Now the green and yellow machinery is recognized around the world. Although agricultural equipmentRead More American Agriculture Needs a Free-Market System Essay2034 Words  | 9 PagesE...I...E...I...Ohhhhhhh..... The United States Government and agriculture have had a working relationship for most of the twentieth century. In 1916, Congress established the Federal Land Bank to provide farmers with easier access to credit. Then, during the Great Depression, many New Deal programs came to the aid of the farmer (Rapp, 1988). A system of price supports and production quotas was established to ensure price stability. For the first time, farmers were being told not to grow
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Themes In Monty Python - 743 Words
Monty Python essay Medieval literature has been involved in the school classroom for a very long time. Medieval literature is very important and even though itÅ› old it offers many interesting stories and life lessons. There are many medieval literature works- Beowulf, the author tales, and more. The film of Monty Python and the holy grail combines all the medieval literature and satirises them all. The Monty Python film mocks and satirizes a lot of the important themes in the medieval literature. Among the many themes it satirizes, the theme of Chivalric Code and Knightly Behavior is the most prevalent. Many themes are repeated over and over again and it is easy to draw conclusions from what we read in class to the movie. Through this†¦show more content†¦All the characters have to go into a cave, but a bunnie is guarding it. A knight walks up to the bunnie to fight it and it bites his head off. Then king Arthur hm self and other knights all fight the bunnie all at once. But it beats all o f them up and they have to run away screaming. Knights arent supposed to lose and certainly arent supposed to run away. The Art of Courtly Love Role/Responsibility of Women was also satirized in the movie. In the movie, lancelot thinks thereÅ› a damsel in distress. He finds the castle and decides to save her. When he enters the castle he kills everyone. The way they do it in the movies though is so over the top and ridiculous itÅ› funny. When he gets to the top of the tower he opened the door and thereÅ› a guy in side. HeÅ› confused about why thereÅ› a guy there and no lady. It turns out the guy didnt want to be married and need saving. Monty python is making fun of how every story about knights has to have a helpless woman in distress needing help form a knight. Of course Lancelot is upset and leaves. But people were mad at him because he killed so many people and they chased him out. Through the hour and thirty two minutes of Monty python and the holy grail movie many themes are introduced and satirized. The Chivalric Code and Knightly Behavior associated with knights is mocked throughout the whole movie. The movie pokes run at their bravery making them too brave, like with theShow MoreRelatedA Comparison Of Monty Python And The Holy Grail715 Words  | 3 Pagesimmortal green knights are a bit outlandish. Other portrayals of this time period include Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail, which deliver a unique spin on a classic story in the form of satirical humor and parody. While the presentation of the two stories differs drastically the underlying themes of Chivalry, Religion, Nobility/Heroism, love, and Good vs. Evil are present and mocked. In Monty Python and The Holy Grail many ideas are mocked in the form of satirical humor. For instance,Read MoreMonty Python and the Holy Grail Essay1672 Words  | 7 PagesMonty Python and the Holy Grail A British Parody By: Norwin Adarve Monty Python and the Holy Grail has been a comic success in the film industry for almost four decades. The main reason for its success is because the jokes have kept the audience laughing whether they watched it in 1975 or just saw the comedy for the first time yesterday. Monty Python and the Holy Grail would fall under two categories of comedy, a satire and a parody. In contemporary usage, a parody is a work that imitates anotherRead MoreMonty Python Influences1363 Words  | 6 Pagesin the dictionary, Monty Python has influenced the culture of Britain heavily. The sextet’s surreal humor has manipulated what many people find to be funny. The use of their word has affected British literature. Their popular song â€Å"Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life†has become the most played song in funerals throughout Britain. My primary sources include The Atlantic, and CNN. My secondary sources are The Rolling Stone and My other sources are â€Å"Monty Python, Shakespeare andRead MoreMonty Python And The Holy Grail Satire1575 Words  | 7 Pages In Monty Python and the Holy Grail satire is used quite often to make fun of the Catholic faith. One of the most noteworthy moments is near the beginning of the movie when the monks are walking through the town chanting. Monty Python may use rather ludicrous humor to get their point across; however, they do a good job conveying the faults in the Catholic Church and display them on film. The movie does this through setting, characters’ costumes, and music. Near the beginning of the movieRead More Arthurian Legend Essay1498 Words  | 6 Pagesunderstands the Arthurian legend. Especially in the movies the central idea of a literary work can be lost. Compared to Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur have movies lost sight of what the Arthurian legend tries to teach? Le Morte d’Arthur has several different themes working within in for Hollywood to choose from. An easy one for moviemakers is the glorification of the hero. In Malory’s work it appears that he is glorifying Arthur but really his work is being very critical. Arthur is an interesting man, and MaloryRead More The Satirical Essence Of Monty Python Imbibed Into Cotemporary Theatre2165 Words  | 9 Pagesever change such a notion. Monty Python’s Flying Circus revolutionized the stage performance, incorporating many aspects of modern day theatre; such as realism, surrealism, futurism, existentialism and of course Theatre of the Absurd, for no Python sketch was sans an eccentric dash of absurdity.The very roots of Monty Python lay in the humble beginnings of six men, five British and one American, who took to the stage in college and never looked back. The six Pythons; Graham Chapman, Eric Idel,Read MoreMonty Python And The Holy Grail 1975 Directed By Terry Gilliam And Terry Jones2247 Words  | 9 PagesThe infamous British film known as Monty Python and the Holy Grail 1975 directed by Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones, was considered a cult classic among the comedy genre. But what made it so significant among other films during that era, and why is does it still stand the test of time? Classical films were originally considered more than just another form of entertainment. This form of media allowed artist to visually express their personal views through the big screen. Some film makers tend to leanRead More Life of Brian as Historical Satire Essay examples2766 Words  | 12 PagesMonty Python’s Life of Brian traces the tragic last year of Brian of Nazareth, a man who shares his exact birthday and town with Jesus Christ, the subject of countless biblical epic films. Comedy distinguishes this biopic, which features a male actor playing the analog of the Virgin Mary, a cured leper begging for alms, and spontaneous song on the crucifix. It is not sufficient, however, to relegate the film to parody, which seems the obvious criticism, simply for taking a comedic outlook.Read More Comparing the Comedy Central TV Channel to ComedyCentral.com1205 Words  | 5 Pagesworld of Comedy Central, without having to turn on the television set. Similar to the television channel, viewers probably have in mind an idea of what to expect. All of Comedy Centrals television programming, which includes shows like the Monty Python, South Park, and Absolutely Fabulous, contains a very high degree of hilarity and nonsense. Strangely enough, for a channel that projects such antics and doesnt really take themselves seriously, the website is very well organized, sensible, andRead More King Arthur Essay example1872 Words  | 8 PagesKing Arthur If the name of King Arthur is mentioned, I suppose what comes to mind is not so much one person as a whole array of characters and themes, a montage so to speak. Of course we do think first of the King, the magnificent monarch of a glorified or idealized medieval realm. But we think also of his Queen, of the fair and wayward Guinevere, we think of his enchanter, Merlin, who presided over his birth, who set him on the throne, who established him there in the early and traveled days
Walmart, Information System Free Essays
Large numbers of companies are using their information systems as a strategic tool to improve their competitive advantage. Choose one of these companies (Toyota or Wal-Mart) and prepare an essay of 1500 words on: a) how information systems are used strategically by the company to gain a competitive advantage b) discuss if it is possible for the company to maintain this advantage in the future.You are expected to use the competitive forces and/or value chain model in your analysis. We will write a custom essay sample on Walmart, Information System or any similar topic only for you Order Now In this essay, Wal-Mart was chosen to be the case to analysis. Firstly, some basic concepts will be mentioned, including business strategy, IS strategy and IT strategy, and Wal-Mart will be introduced briefly. And then this essay aims to discuss how information system are used strategically by company to gain competitive advantage, and if it is possible for company to maintain this advantage in the future.Business Strategy sets the overall direction for the business. Information System Strategy is the plan an organization uses in providing information services. It defines what information, information systems and IT architecture are required to support the business. Based on a prioritization of needs. Information Technology Strategy: includes how the infrasture and services are to be delivered. (Turban) â€Å"Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (branded as Wal-Mart) is an American public corporation that runs a chain of large, discount department stores.It is the world’s largest public corporation by revenue, according to the 2008 Fortune Global 500. †â€Å"Wal-Mart is the largest private employer and the largest grocery retailer in the United States. †(Wikipedia). To be the industry leader, Wal-Mart must have its own competitive business strategies, the first one I want mention is growth strategies, significantly expanding its capacity, expanding into global markets. By now, Wal-Mart has 3,859 stores and more than 680,000 associates in 15 markets outside the continental U. S. Walmart). This helps Wal-Mart to expand global market share and enhance their power of competition. With too many stores, they must have large number of customers. The IT advantages will allow employees to offer their customers a better service, instead of being busy scanning and filling out order forms, they can spend more time with customers. The second one, cost leadership strategy should be the most outstanding competitive strategy of Wal-Mart. The CIO of Wal-Mart has said: to be merchants first and then technologists.IT acts as the most important role in this strategy and helps Wal-Mart to gain lower price competitive advantage, mainly shows on effective logistics and supply chain. (Aleksandrov) Based on the well developed information system, the CEO of Wal-Mart can get information anytime, where need products, which items are best-sellers, where can get the lowest price products from suppliers, which items can get the most profit and so on. One example is that very few retailers can match the speed and effectiveness with which Wal-Mart deals with inventory stocks.The information system would record each single item when it was being sold , when the amount of stocks reduced at some level, the system will remind store of asking more stocks from headquarters. Headquarters arrange and send goods to the nearest distribution centre and computer system of distribution centre will arrange time and route to the store. All the stores are located around distribution centers, all the trucks have GPS, and control center can know the position of each truck, what goods they carried, how far from destination and so on.Stocks will display on the shelves in the store within 36 hours. (MBSlib) This can avoid bulges in order cycle and lower inventory cost. With information system, the supply chin become more time and cost-efficient, with savings passed on to customers. In 1970s, Wal-Mart built logistics Management Information System (MIS), which used to deal with system report, speed up operating speed. They adopted Point Of Sales (POS) machine in 1983. In1985. They built Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), all the information is dealt on the computer instead of using paper.In1986, using Quick Response (QR) to built good partner relationship with suppliers, high frequency distribution with small amount each time, in order to lower risk, stocks and stimulate demand and sales. In 2006, Wal-Mart started using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), a wireless system used to identify tags and get data in any environment without any workforce. Because this, Wal-Mart can save 8350 billion per year. (MBSlib) Obviously, the primary activities in value chain of Wal-Mart are the strongpoint that can add value to the firms, especially logistics. Considering present market conditions and the way in which industry demand fluctuates nowadays, firms willing to remain operationally efficient will become more reliant on supply-chain management, This is one of the main reasons for which Wal-Mart has been capable of growing at an annual rate of 15. 4%. †(Aleksandrov) All the technologies used to be the core component of its cost-efficient business strategy, and customers of Wal-Mart can get the low-cost benefit from information system. One way to analyze the strategic potential of IS is to consider their influence on one or more of Porter’s five force model.Firstly, medium threat of entry, any company willing to enter this â€Å"Discount and Varity†industry (Aleksandrov) would have to consider the major financial implications of such an action if to complete with Wal-Mart at a national model. Secondly, medium to high threat of substitution, many companies sell exactly the same range of items, but at higher prices. The third one I want to mentioned is power of buyers, which is high because many firms offer the same goods and services, but Wal-Mart can be successful is because of providing at lower price. â€Å"Everyday low price!  Obviously, cost leader strategy is successful. As can be seen above, IT acts as an important and successful role and be used strategically by Wal-Mart to gain competitive advantages, as a result, Wal-Mart will be able to offer lower priced items and good costumer services, both of which will create brand loyalty, prevent Wal-Mart market share from diminishing. The competitive advantages of Wal-Mart in the future, considering the threat of entry and substitution first, there is a certain risk of entry from a firm which offers diversified goods and does not compete with Wal-Mart in terms in price.Although there is some threat of entry into the â€Å"Discount and Variety†industry, this is does not pose a direct threat to Wal-Mart since a different segment of consumers will be targeted by the entrant. Another risk is its competitors may link together in an effort to stop the retail giant from continuing to expand at such rates, Wal-Mart could enable them to compete against these low-cost innovators by sacrificing short term profits and implementing predatory pricing strategies. Aleksandrov) Secondly, Berskhire Hathaway’s CEO W. Buffet believes that due to the tight margins of the industry in which Wal-Mart operates and the efficiency with which the retail giant handles its supplier relationships, logistics system and pricing strategies, no other rational company would attempt to challenge their supremacy. Therefore, according to him, Wal-Mart’s future development will depends on how efficiently the company reacts to the current changes in its business environment. Aleksandrov) Definitely, this should get benefit from IS, to develop the potential of IT resources to add value to Wal-Mart, such as its global workforce become lager and thus need a relatively faultless information system to manage, and the company’s distribution system will be constantly operated at full capacity, allowing no room for errors. On the other aspect, in order for the competitive advantage to be sustained, the resources, here mainly on IS, must be inimitable, imperfectly mobile, and have low substitutability.With the development of society, as company become more pervasive and competitors can access to the same technology, and many companies will catch Wal-Mart using the same way, the advantages from IS of Wal-Mart may be become more and more unconspicuous in the future, there is no real â€Å"sustained†competitive advantage, but I think Wal-Mart has ability to make a new progress, like develop proprietary technology, maybe focus on other aspects.The CEO of Apple Company has said if there are three IT companies left in the world, these should be Microsoft, Intel and Dell, if two, they must be Dell and Wal-Mart. A great amount of managerial and IS effort will be needed to ensure that the company’s expansion rate does not ultimately lead Wal-Mart to its end. In conclusion, Wal-Mart uses IT strategically like GPS, MIS, RFID, mainly on logistics and supply chain, in order to gain competitive advantages, such as growth globally, to be the cost leader with good customer services.In the long run, Wal-Mart may face some threat and may not keep these competitive advantages all the time, Wal-Mart should keep alignment of business and IT strategies and make new innovation and progress in IT, like have proprietary technology, let the IT resources become inimitable, imperfectly mobile, and have low substitutability. How to cite Walmart, Information System, Papers
Brose Case Study free essay sample
What is the Brose Groups business and what are the critical success factors (CSF’s) in a business like Brose’s? [lists] * International automobile industry and delivery mechatronic system and electric drives to automotive manufacturers and suppliers * Brose standardize their operation, and uses ERP application. * Well-established Information technology management * Hire professional consultants to train employees * to better use ERP application system 2. What operational, management and control, and corporate learning/innovation challenges were faced by Brose during its rapid expansion over the last two decades? table] Operational | Management and control| The implementation of ERP system may cause a significant number of change within an organization | Lower total costs of information management information technology investment | The potential lake of in house skills and users’ resistance | 5. What steps did they take to minimize the risks associated with this kind of deployment? [list] * Reengineer business process, develop a detailed requirements specification, conduct system prior to the system implementation and closely monitor the system’s performance * Formulation of he steering committee, appointment of project sponsor, and internal audit’s involvement * Train project team, the establishment of a close working relationship between consultant and project team * Management support, user’s involvement. We will write a custom essay sample on Brose Case Study or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page
Friday, May 1, 2020
Clinical Reasoning and Procedural Competency
Question: Write about theClinical Reasoning and Procedural Competency. Answer: Introduction Clinical reasoning tool has been used by medical practitioners far and wide for the assessment of patients through the collections of cues, processing of information , being in a position to understand the patient, coming up with interventions and implementing them, doing evaluations is paramount in critical thinking progress, for the patient situation, (Levett et al., 2010). Clinical reasoning is essential in health care in that it builds competences and approach by focussing on problem based learning, (Chapman et al., 2013). It is a research tool that utilizes the five constructs to solve a problem thus contributing to the broader concept of human cognition. In this case review, is patient named Katie McConnell, a patient of mild traumatic brain injury. The case management assessment follows the clinical reasoning cycle of patient assessment. Patient Situation The case description is a 23 year old woman on admission at the facility. The patient is a victim of road accident; she has subdural hematoma which has lasted 18 hours, obtained by hit from a car. She has been transferred from a different facility and brought to the neurosurgical trauma for further reassessment and evaluations for better prognosis and care. Currently the patient is experiencing some memory lapse in a mild state. Her vitals indicate that the heart beat rate is 89 pulses, blood pressure is 142/72 Sp O2 96% and the respiratory rate is at 13. From the general assessments the pressure of the blood is high on the systolic side. Her pulse rate is at the normal levels. The vital statistics presented by the patient are normal except the increased in temperature and loss of memory. The changes can be attributed to her medical condition. Cues and Information The condition the patient is suffering is subdural haematoma from injury, it is considered in the medical filed the deadliest disease state for humans, the internal bleeding often fills the brain of the victim; it results in brain damage which can advance to death. Severe head injuries causes severe bleeding causes subdural hematoma, which is characterized by losing consciousness and confusion as displayed by parent Kate. Subdural hematoma can appear with no symptoms for the first few days after head injury, but patients appears confused, which is characterised slower blood bleeding causing increase subdural hematoma diseases. For slow developing hematomas, there is no significant changes in the or symptoms observed for greater than two weeks after bleeding The medical condition of the patient is heterogeneous in nature. The injury falls into a full spectrum. The information given shows that the patient Bp is 142/72, heart beat rate is 89, respiratory rate is 13 Glasgow comma score is 14. Symptoms patient Katie might be facing include confusion which is evident, headache pains, changes in the behaviour, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, weakness of the general body, apathy of the body and recurrent seizures. Other medical diagnoses which are essential for the patient are imaging tests aided with computer tomography or MRI images to observe and monitor the extent of disease for the purpose ot diagnosis, (Soltaninejad et al., 2014). It also uses magnetic resonance techniques to take pictures of the brain to determine the extent of subdural hematoma. These tests generate images of the inner skull, thus showing any haematosis present. In comparative nature of tests done using MRI and CT scan, MRI is superior however CT scan is faster in producing results, (Wintermark et al, 2015). Angiography tests are essential for this patient. It is another diagnosis method for haematosis. It uses the application of a catheter placed in the arterial vessel located in the groin deeply into neck and brain. Special agent compound is injected to it and images of blood flow are observed through the blood vessels. These test can help in diagnosing patient Katie effectively thus providing appropriate care. Process Information In mild traumatic brain injury observed characteristics such as confusion and loss of consciousness and related disorientation of the person for shorter duration of time characterises this window. From the case study what we know is that the patient is experiencing confusion and difficulty in remembering things but can recall later when probing is done. The confusion is largely due to occurrence of concussion, which temporarily affects the brain thus causing confusions, memory speech, and vision and balance problems. If the concussion is not treated it advances to second impact syndrome, which is more fatal condition. Concussion can be managed through healing of the brain, (MoC, 2009 ). Early symptoms associated with mild traumatic disorder include mild appearances which it has significant impact on lifelong impairment and the ability to function well. Some of the known live long problems with this condition are persistent headache, pains, fatigue, mood changes, and sensory related issues with later taste preferences, persistent headache and confusion. CDC, acknowledges that the following characteristics can be defined with respect to mild trauma injury, pain syndromes,codnitive impairments, nerve dysfunction and vertigo resulting from injury to the brain, (Ciuffreda Ludlam, 2001). Expected assessments symptoms which are positive for mild injury trauma are presented in three broader ways; cognitive, physical symptoms and behaviour changes combined with post concussive symptoms , (Koski et al., 2015). Cognitive symptoms include attention related problems and challenges, difficulty in concentration, memory related problem and orientation problems. The physical symptom includes headaches, dizziness, insomnia issues, nausea, seizures, blurred vision and fatigue. The behavioural changes explicated include irritability, depression, anxiety, and loss of initiative, sleep disturbances, social problems like marriage, relationships or school management. Confirmatory tests of confusion and disorganisation, consciousness loss of more than 30 minutes, neuron psychological related problems and Glasgow coma scale of 13 or higher are the confirmatory tests for mild trauma injury of the brain, (Skolnick et al., 2014). Identifying Problems and Issues In symptomatic identification of issues there is need to know the underlying disease features. Patient Katie has had traumatic brain injury, clinically portraying induced disruption in the physiology path, disruption of brain function which can be manifest by; loss of conscious for more than 30 minutes however this is not the case for patient Katie, loss of memory which is characterised by not remembering events for short or long periods of time before or after an occurrence of an accident before diagnosis. Mental disorientation, which is portrayed by changes in the mental status during the periods of the accident. In depth analysis of baseline lab investigations for patient Katie necessary, they include determination of FBC, serum electrolytes urea, serum glucose, coagulation status, blood alcohol level in the blood and urinalysis. Arterial blood gas determination is not a factor in traumatic brain injury, (Tootal, 2014). Securing of definitive way for breathing assistance is based on clinical findings from either lab or physical assessments. A patient diagnosed with GCS lower than 8 or a victim of trauma brain injury not breathing effectively and smoothly, thus not maintain the airway with assistive oxygen requires definitive pathway, (Kothari , Kothani Gadhi, 2016). In-depth assessments reveal that symptoms like headache, memory lapses and poor concentration are manifesting itself. In the general patients, symptoms persist for psychological problems. Further assessment need to be done for confirmation purposes. It includes modern technology usage like abnormalities or occurrence of concussion which in this case signifies loss of consciousness. Other focussed health assessments to be done include physical examination attests, which include the papillary tests, head and neck assessments which involve fundoscopic examination procedure for the patient (Woo Hirsch, 2016), palpation of the scalp for hematoma, auscultation for corneous disease, cervical evaluation for confirmation of tenderness. However further assessment can be conducted for patient Katie, they include conducting MRI and CT scan. Health Assessments Canadian CT head rule cam be done. CT scan diagnosis is suitable for people with minor head injury like Katie, the result of this test are presented in neurological examination and GCS score of 15 is assured. Those that portray high risk behaviour include headaches, vomiting, over 60 years alcohol dependent, seizure and amnesia. Currently there are many components for analysing the criteria for traumatic brain injury. Commonly used is the Glasgow Coma Scale, which is utilised in assessment of, assessing patients. As way of conducting the assessments , there is need to start from non- invasive procedures with key approach focussing on the lab assessments then to those that offer specific tests and easier to interpret like CT scan and MRI however costly suits the case study for Katie for appropriative management . The final assessment of the results obtain will be based on the following criteria; unconscious loss for up to 30 minutes, memory loss after accidents occurrence in the last 24 hours, changes in the mental state at accident time, measure of the deficits in the neurology that are not transient, conscious loss for more than 30 minutes, amnesia presence after accident exceeding 24 hours or the Glasgow scores scale for coma falling below 13 after half an hour, (Mrashall et al.,m 2012). References Chapman, D. M., Calhoun, J. M., Van Mondfrans, A. P., Davis, W. K. (2013). Assessing effectiveness of a problem-based learning curriculum in teaching clinical reasoning skills. 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