Thursday, March 5, 2020

High School vs College Essay Writing Difference

High School vs College Essay Writing Difference High school vs. college Every year thousands of freshmen come to various colleges for the first time. For some of them, the transition from high school to college goes without any problems and difficulties. However, most students find this process quite complicated and exhausting one. Therefore, entering a college is an embarrassing and thrilling time for most of them. As a rule, this is the first time for many students of their being far away from their families and friends. When entering the college, students have to adapt in a new, dynamic and completely unfamiliar environment. Students find paper writing time-consuming, it does not matter the type of the paper college or high school essay. In this new and stressful world, how should one not just survive, but prosper in this new environment? The secret of success at college often lies in knowing a few things. What Do College Students Face? First, it is very important to know how to complete a presentable paper and in order to do this the student should know how to use different academic formats. Second significant thing is to know how to make an effective research when working on paper writing. Finally, each student should be able to find positive peer networks to assist with integration into college student life. High School vs College Essay: Know the Difference When a student enters a college in the US, he/she is often confused with difference in requirements to writing a college essay in comparison with high school assignments. No wonder, the essays that received positive feedback in high school are extensively criticized in college. Do not fall into despair! It is not your writing that changed. It is because the requirements for writing a college essay are more complex than those for writing a high school essay. So, high school vs college essay: what is the difference? Making an Argument High school essays aim to show what a writer understood from the studied material (for example, a summary, a book review, etc.). College writing requires much more efforts. First and foremost, these essays and papers require making an argument. As such, college professors do not want you to retell what you have just read; instead, they want you to make critical judgment based on this information. This argument is often called a thesis statement and it should be clearly stated in the essay`s introduction. Providing the Evidence When the argument is stated, a college student has to prove it by providing credible evidence. This evidence is usually taken from the relevant sources, which contain the unbiased experts` opinions. If you, for instance, are analyzing some poem, a meaningful line from it can serve as the evidence. Searching for the sources that accurately fit the topic is also an essential characteristic of college essay writing. Professors highly evaluate the thorough work with sources, and if you want to get the A+ grade for your paper, you have to spend much time in the library.Analyzing the Topic Properly When reading your paper, the professor should not have questions like But what if..? Have you considered this opinion? What about..? It means that when writing a college essay, you need to present your topic from different perspectives. High School vs College Essay: Improve Your Practice! Without any doubts, college essay writing is a much more complicated process than high school writing. However, it enables you to develop your writing and research skills, which is particularly important for your academic performance. Work on your mistakes and you will see your progress. Just keep in mind that there is no a winner in the struggle of High School vs College essay. All in all, in both educational institutions, to become a better writer you need to practice a lot. Writing Formats Writing various kinds of papers that differ from high school essays is a huge part of each students experience. The most common citation formats are APA and MLA. In most cases, citing sources in a paper becomes a bewildering process. There are various requirements for citing books, encyclopedias, webpages, newspaper articles, etc. No everyone knows how to format the paper properly. However, you are free to use online assistance. The best web resource for help with academic formats is EssayLeader. Here, you will find hundreds of useful tips on using MLA, APA, Chicago, Turabian and other writing styles. The sooner you become good in writing any college essay or other paper, the better! Remember that the best time to learn something new was yesterday, but since yesterday is gone, the second best time to learn is today. Best Resources to Use One more area that freshmen at college often face with is conducting a thorough research for their papers. You do not even imagine how many students try to use Wikipedia as a reference! If you want to succeed with college essays, you must use good scholarly resources. The best resources to use are peer-reviewed books, textbooks, encyclopedias and journal articles. Great resources to get access to old books are second-hand bookstores and libraries. However, when writing a college essay, you may use several web-resources that have scholarly peer-reviewed articles and even the whole books that can be read online. The two of such websites are Google Books and Google Scholar. The second one offers a huge amount of peer-reviewed journal articles for free. One more advantage of this service is that you can click on the cite option and automatically get the correct citations for the chosen article in MLA, APA or Chicago style.

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